Minimally Invasive Dentistry


The dental profession has evolved a lot over the years, but what may be considered one of the great revolutions of our specialty is the development of materials that allow us today to adhere, in a consistent manner and with great retention and resistance ceramic or composite materials to the tooth .

As a result of this clinical capacity, it was necessary to redesign our work, look for a much more conservative way of acting, and develop techniques and so-called ” minimally invasive ”  clinical procedures. Nowadays, treatments that were considered standard for nearly 10 years, are often seen as outdated and too invasive.

Cases of dental erosion like this that we show you today, are treated thanks to the cementation of full-ceramic restorations such as ” onlay ” or ” overlay” on the affected tooth structure, no need to harm the other healthy structures, so to say without any mechanical wear or preparation of the tooth by the dentist.


blog-14maio_2 Modern dentistry is minimally invasive. This is the philosophy of all our work! More information on or

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We really speak your language!

imagens_bandeiras.001The ” João Borges Aesthetic Dentistry ” is already today a benchmark in the field of dentistry, not only for its philosophy of multidisciplinary work, fully oriented to the dental aesthetic outcome, like the personalized way of looking at and dealing with the problems of each of their patients.

What you may not know is that one of the major tools of our multidisciplinary team ” João Borges Aesthetic Dentistry ” is that we are fluent in 5 different languages ​​( Portuguese , English, French , Spanish and Italian ) and that we understand a total of 7 languages ​​( add to the 5 spoken, the German and Catalan ).

Thus, ” João Borges Aesthetic Dentistry ” continues its path of affirmation as the benchmark of dentistry in Portugal for all the ” expat ” community and for all tourists who visit us.

The truth is that in our clinic, we really speak your language !
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Welcome to our new web project

This is day 1 of our blog!

We are very excited about the launch of our new interface, which closes the circle of digital development of our brand “João Borges Aesthetic Dentistry”.

In January 2013 we launched our professional facebook page – – and ended the year with the launch of our website – After settling in February 2014 in Lisbon, with an office at Avenida da Liberdade 220​​, we continue our project with the launch of this new means of communication between our brand, dental professionals and the general public. All our team will continue to work towards a more personalized care of our patients, and increasingly strong relationship with our partners and colleagues from around the world.

You are all welcome!

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