The dental profession has evolved a lot over the years, but what may be considered one of the great revolutions of our specialty is the development of materials that allow us today to adhere, in a consistent manner and with great retention and resistance ceramic or composite materials to the tooth .
As a result of this clinical capacity, it was necessary to redesign our work, look for a much more conservative way of acting, and develop techniques and so-called ” minimally invasive ” clinical procedures. Nowadays, treatments that were considered standard for nearly 10 years, are often seen as outdated and too invasive.
Cases of dental erosion like this that we show you today, are treated thanks to the cementation of full-ceramic restorations such as ” onlay ” or ” overlay” on the affected tooth structure, no need to harm the other healthy structures, so to say without any mechanical wear or preparation of the tooth by the dentist.
Modern dentistry is minimally invasive. This is the philosophy of all our work! More information on or